Garbage Eyesore on Karpaz Beaches

Trash on Karpaz Beach

Dipkarpaz Environment, Nature Protection and Social Activity Association officials announced that visitors in the region leave their rubbish* on the beaches, Kibris Postasi reported. The association’s statement included the following statements: “Unwanted sights on Karpaz beaches. Those who come throw it away. The more they come, the more is thrown away“.

Kibris Postasi

*North Cyprus, particularly in remote areas like the Karpaz peninsula, has limited waste disposal facilities and services. Regular waste collection and maintenance of these remote beaches may not be a priority or might be challenging due to the area’s isolation and sparse population.

Tourism and Local Littering 

The Karpaz region attracts both local visitors and tourists for its natural beauty, and not all are respectful of the environment. Improper disposal of plastic bottles, food wrappers, and other litter has a cumulative impact, and the lack of public awareness campaigns further contributes to the problem.

Marine Debris 

Due to ocean currents, marine debris (often from other countries in the Mediterranean) can wash up on shores, particularly on remote and less frequently cleaned beaches like those in the Karpaz. This garbage often includes plastics and other non-biodegradable materials that accumulate over time.

Inadequate Environmental Policies 

North Cyprus has limited funding for environmental initiatives due to its political isolation, which restricts access to international environmental funding and support. This lack of resources affects the development and enforcement of environmental protection policies, including littering fines and waste management programmes.

Seasonal Cleaning Efforts 

Clean-up efforts are often seasonal and might only take place before the peak tourist season. This means that outside these times, waste can build up, making it more noticeable to visitors.

Addressing the litter problem on Karpaz beaches would require improved infrastructure, stricter regulations, better public awareness, and community-led initiatives, possibly supported by volunteers and environmental organisations [LGC News Ed.]

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