Gov Makes Emergency Fuel Purchase From AKSA

Fuel Tanker

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Fuel for the Teknecik power station, which has run out of supplies, will be purchased from AKSA and delivered by tanker, Yeniduzen reports.

The government announced that in order to avoid power cuts, a special purchase was made from AKSA at $555.98 per metric ton (Platt’s price) and $55 per metric ton freight, and it was decided to transport 2,000 metric tons of fuel to the power plant via tankers.

The government, which announced the “good news” that it would make an agreement with the Turkish company TPIC for fuel purchases, whose tenders could not be concluded, was unable to sign the said agreement despite a lapse of two weeks.

As published in the Official Gazette, it was stated that it was decided to give the fuel transportation business to Vedha Enterprises Ltd for 5,000 TL per tanker trip, excluding VAT.


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