General Secretary of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Erdoğan Sorakın has called the recent resignation of the coalition government a “farce”, Kibris Postasi reported.
In a post on social media, Sorakın said: “Mr. Tatar also, Mr. Sucuoğlu also acts as if a new government is being formed after the election and they are trying to create such a perception”.
The debacle began following Prime Minister Faiz Faiz Sucuoğlu’s ultimatum to President Ersin Tatar that Minister of Finance Sunat Atun should be dismissed on disciplinary grounds or else he would resign. On reflection, President Tatar accepted the government’s resignation. The government had been in power only two months at the time. Meanwhile, all the same ministers remain in place until a new government is formed.
In his post on social media Erdoğan Sorakın said: “Mr. Tatar, Faiz Sucuoğlu’s government was an inconsistent, unsuccessful, weak-willed government that was formed after the January 23 elections, dragged all areas of life into chaos during its two-month mandate, could not even explain the reason for its resignation, made zig zags all the time, and contradicted statements on the same issue.
“Yes, you are playing theatre and making a farce”.
Addressing President Tatar he asked the following: “Why are you giving a resigning head of government the task of re-forming the government? Are you colluding?“