Health Ministry Statement on Bottled Spring Water


Thursday, 24 November 2022

Following a statement by the Northern Cyprus Rapid Consumer Goods Suppliers Association (TUTDER) that bottled spring water contains bromate produced by ‘reverse osmosis’ treatment, the Ministry of Health announced that the department continues to work meticulously in order to provide safe water to the public within the framework of the Bottled Spring Water and Drinking Water Law. This law is compatible with Turkey and the EU, the ministry said, Kibris Postasi reports.

The ministry stated that bottled water is produced by methods used and approved worldwide.

In the statement, the health ministry said the following:

“The TSHD, affiliated to the Ministry of Health, takes samples for chemical and microbiological analyses every month from 20 water factories, 28 stations and water cabins in line with the responsibility and authority given to it by these laws and regulations.

“The results of the analysis are published on the website of the ministry, and in case of any negative microbiological or chemical result, both a fine is written within the legal framework, and production is stopped until the analysis results of the samples taken again are positive after the company performs its corrective actions.

“During the May-October period, 594 samples were analysed. The results are shared on the official page of the Ministry of Health.

“We emphasise that any food and beverage that is under the control of the Ministry of Health in the TRNC and consumed by our people can be trusted unless our office confirms that it is uncontrolled or harmful to health, and we reiterate that our priority is the public’s health”.

Kibris Postasi

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