How Will Varosha/Maraş be Dealt With?

North Cyprus News - CTP leader - Tufan Erhurman
Tufan Erhurman – CTP leader

Leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhurman, has asked a number of questions of Prime Minister Ersin Tatar who made statements about Varosha in an interview he gave on Turkish FOX TV.

In the interview, Tatar was asked are you going to open Varosha/Maraş? He replied, “The issue of Maraş is an issue raised by our government. The Maraş region must be opened because it has been closed for 45 years. In terms of human rights, the return of former owners to the region is something that the UN will support. Ex-inhabitants, foundations, Greeks and British (in the region) have rights”.

Tatar stated that the issue of the opening of the fenced-off town Varosha/Maraş will come onto the agenda at the end of 2020.

Reacting to Tatar’s comments in a post on social media, Erhurman said: “The prime minister stated that they will open Maraş by the end of 2020. Is there any kind of plan? How will the property issue be solved? Is there any discussion with the UN, with the Assembly or the President? Should not an issue as important as Maraş be handled more seriously?” he asked.

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