HP Membership Given a Free Vote in Elections

North Cyprus News - Jale Refik Rogers - HP
Dr Jale Refik Rogers – HP

The People’s Party (HP) leadership who met with both candidates prior to the second round of the presidential elections, Ersin Tatar and Mustafa Akıncı, have held a party assembly.

The assembly was called to discuss who they would support in the next round.

It was decided to release its members to vote as they pleased.

Speaking to the press while the meeting was ongoing, HP Secretary-General Jale Refik Rogers said that they felt it right not to give any guidance for the second round of the presidential elections.

Stating that they had decided to let their party members be free to vote as they wished,  Rogers said, “Our people will reflect their will at the ballot box. We wish success to both candidates in the second round, ” she said.


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