Importing Left-Hand Drive Cars Will Increase Road Deaths

North Cyprus News - Accident

Sunday, 18 December 2022 

Allowing the import of left-hand drive vehicles into the country is to invite fatal accidents, the Medical Association, Traffic and Road Safety Working Group stated, Yeniduzen reports.

The working group shared its concern that permitting the import of left-hand drive vehicles would cause an increase in fatal accidents, and urged the ministry to take steps to increase road safety and improve driving conditions in the country.

Recently, the Minister of Public Works and Transport, Erhan Arıklı, announced that the ministry would re-examine the decision to ban the import of left-hand drive vehicles taken in 2004. This is to facilitate the import of a new Turkish produced electric car.

Pointing out that between 80-100 people lose their lives annually, the working group stated that in North Cyprus, a radical and very appropriate decision was taken to prevent more traffic accidents. The group called the decision to reinstate imports of left-hand drive vehicles very sad and irrational.

We would like to remind the Minister that no commercial concern or social interest is more important than human life. Our priority should be to prevent loss of life on the roads, practices that put lives at risk are unacceptable. For this reason, we have serious concerns that the importation of left-hand drive vehicles to the country will cause an increase in fatal accidents on our already dark, insufficient infrastructure and unsafe roads, and we think that this will turn into a serious public health problem”.


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