International Community Failed in its Duties: Ozersay

The Cyprus problem is not going to be top of the agenda for the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council or the international community given their current situation and relations. They will not exert pressure on the Greek Cypriots to help solve the Cyprus issue, TRNC Foreign Minister Kudret Ozersay has said..

North Cyprus News - Kudret OzersayOzersay told ‘Voice of America’ that “therefore we are facing a Greek Cypriot side which benefits from the current status quo and who should be pressured or encouraged to want a solution”. He said: “This could be done by the international players. In a period during which the interest of the international players is so low and the international politics are in this state, in a period during which the stars are not aligned but also they have almost been scattered, I cannot see an environment which will encourage or force the Greek Cypriot side towards a comprehensive solution”.

Ozersay reiterated the view that we need a period during which the future of Cyprus will be examined and expressed the hope that the meetings in New York will achieve this. He argued that the correct thing to do is for the UNSG to appoint someone to appraise “where we will be going from now on. That is, not the resumption of the negotiations, not their continuation from the point they were left off, something which will mean nothing else but the continuation of a vicious circle.

In my view, what we need is to launch a period of sincere reflection by asking the questions ‘where we are committing a mistake, what we must examine in order for this process, which has been failing for 50 years, to lead us elsewhere, do we really want to reach the place which we say that we want to reach, that is the bi-zonal bi-communal federation, are we all sincere when we say this, do we feel the need to the same extent for this?”

Foreign Minister Ozersay went on to say that the fact that all methods have been exhausted and no solution could be reached, shows that the problem lies in the substance, that is, the target rather than in the method. He further added that the problem is not the bi-zonal bi-communal federation, when we see the demands submitted by the sides we realise that they understand different things from this term. Stating that the basic need now is to cooperate in many fields before the comprehensive solution, Ozersay argued that this would increase mutual trust and create economic interdependence.

North Cyprus News - Gas RigGiving the hydrocarbons issue as an example, he said that economic interdependence would be created, if a bi-communal company was established and the two communities extracted and marketed the natural gas which exists both in the south and in the north area of the island. Furthermore, Ozersay accused the international community of failing in its duties on the issue of encouraging the Greek Cypriots to find a solution to the Cyprus problem and criticised the US because it “stands by the Greek Cypriots’ side” with an American [energy] company.

Asserting that this is contrary to the US’s responsibility as regards international relations, Ozersay expressed the view that the US might have chosen to cooperate with South Cyprus not only in the fields of energy and defence in an effort to prevent the Russian Federation from entering not only Syria but Cyprus as well. Ozersay warned that they will not hesitate to take similar steps with Turkey on issues such as military and defence cooperation and energy.


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