KIB-TEK Promises 80 Million Dollar Investment

Ahmet Tugcu - El-Sen President
[Ahmet Tuğcu – El-Sen President]
Ahmet Tuğcu, the leader of the KIB-TEK Workers’ Union (EL-SEN), criticised the recent announcement that $80 million would be invested in KIB-TEK, Kibris Postasi reported. Tuğcu said that “KIB-TEK management has suddenly woken up from its complacent slumber!

He stated that this announcement proves EL-SEN’s long-standing fight for the truth and justice was right. Tuğcu also mentioned that previous accusations of sabotage regarding recent power outages were baseless, as confirmed by KIB-TEK’s written statement.

He noted that the government had initially ignored, denied, and finally resorted to accusing the workers of sabotage. However, the recent statement by KIB-TEK acknowledges that the union’s warnings and criticisms were valid. Tuğcu highlighted that KIB-TEK’s admission is a new phase in their struggle, supported by the workers and the public. He also pointed out that those who previously blamed the workers for sabotage now admit that the real issue was dirty fuel accumulating under tanks over the years, causing the diesel engines to malfunction.* He concluded by saying that while the fight isn’t over, they will closely monitor the promised investments to ensure they don’t lead to further debt, and continue to remind KIB-TEK of their responsibilities to the public.

In a separate report by Kibris Postasi it said that the government has passed an emergency decree to bypass standard procurement laws in order to quickly purchase essential equipment needed to fix issues at the Teknecik Power Plant. This decision was made because the usual procurement process takes too long, and the power outages caused by the plant’s malfunctions have been affecting the entire country. The decree allows KIB-TEK’s management to directly purchase necessary equipment without going through the typical bidding process, ensuring that urgent repairs can be made without further delays. The decree was published in the Official Gazette and will also be presented to the Parliament.

*EL-SEN’s Facebook page brings home the realities of working conditions at Teknecik power plant. [Ed.]

Kibris Postasi



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