Lack of Planning Cause of Many Problems in TRNC

Asım Akansoy - CTP
[Asım Akansoy – General Secretary – CTP]
The lack of planning is one of the country’s main problems, Asım Akansoy, General Secretary of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), stated. “If there’s no production, you can’t fight rising living costs,” he said, Yeniduzen reported.

While speaking as a guest on Kanal Sim, Akansoy discussed the Cyprus issue and the economy.

The biggest problem is planning” 

Akansoy pointed out that tests on schools and hospitals to assess building safety in the event of earthquakes were done thanks to the efforts of the Chamber of Civil Engineers, but no proper measures were taken despite the findings. He stressed that a lack of planning is one of the country’s main issues. He mentioned that education is struggling, with some schools using containers as temporary classrooms, which causes psychological stress for students. Akansoy added, “Those in charge are leaving people defenceless against natural disasters“. He emphasised the need for governments to prioritise from the ground up, raise public awareness, and use media for public purposes.

No concern for governing the country” 

Education is a matter of great importance for the Turkish Cypriot community, Akansoy noted, reminding that schools will open in two weeks. He mentioned unions’ concerns that education in containers is unhealthy and there are issues with the curriculum. 

He criticised the government for its lack of concern about governing properly and stressed the need to tackle the informal economy and tax evasion. Akansoy also highlighted how Cyprus is dependent on Turkey’s economic policies. Meanwhile, the Turkish Lira is still devaluing.

Production is the most critical area” 

Akansoy spoke about Turkey’s potential BRICS* membership, saying while it could bring economic benefits, it wouldn’t replace the EU. He emphasised the need for Cyprus to stand strong amidst these changes. “We don’t have our own currency or much production. To grow the economy, you must tax various investments, but production is key. Without it, you can’t withstand crises“, he said, citing Russia as an example of surviving through domestic production despite Western sanctions.

Akansoy also stressed that fighting inflation requires focusing on production, saying, “If there’s no production, you can’t fight rising costs“.

We don’t deserve this” 

Akansoy argued that the root of many problems lies in the Cyprus issue and poor governance, and he believes the country could be much better managed. He reaffirmed his commitment to a federal solution, pointing out that both the UN Security Council and BRICS members China and Russia support this approach.


*BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It is an acronym representing an association of five major emerging national economies. Akansoy mentions that Turkey has applied for full membership in BRICS. He interprets this move as a shift towards Eurasia in Turkey’s foreign policy. Akansoy discusses how joining BRICS could offer Turkey certain advantages and help develop its economic relations, but he also emphasises that BRICS cannot replace the European Union as a formation. [Ed.]

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