Left Calls on Government to Increase Minimum Wage

North Cyprus News - Abdullah KorkmazhanThe Left Movement says that “workers and employees want a minimum wage to live humanely, not like charity cases. The minimum wage announced recently is not a minimum wage but a misery fee.

In a written statement on behalf of the Left Movement, Abdullah Korkmazhan, said “We strongly protest to those who claim to be a ruling on behalf of the Left and Labour.”

Korkmazhan stated that a large part of the population was oppressed by the current economic crisis and was left to struggle unaided. The government needed to pass measures to safeguard the people, he said.

The country is experiencing a great economic crisis and an appalling rise in the cost of living he said, adding that it is impossible to live with the present minimum wage. He argued that there was no increase in the level of minimum living allowance.

Korkmazhan said that the main source of financial instability and crisis come from Turkey’s economy, and a comprehensive solution [to the Cyprus problem] is the only way out. He called for early mobilisation of a federal solution.


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