Lions Club Completes Thalassemia Treatment Centre

North Cyprus News - Thalassa Waiting AreaThe Lions Club of Mağusa Mesarya operating in the Turkish Cypriot side of Famagusta city has completed the Renovation Project for the Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Thalassemia Health Centre in Nicosia.

The restoration project, which was approved by the Northern Cyprus Ministry of Health, has been the main focus of the Mağusa Mesarya Lions Club for the 2019 – 2020 Lions Fiscal Year.

The restoration project is now completed after the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic were lifted.

This is the first time such a big project has been carried out by a Lions club in the Turkish Cypriot Community where the International Association of Lions Clubs recognises Northern Cyprus as an undistricted area of Cyprus due to the UN embargo on Northern Cyprus.

North Cyprus News - Thalassa Treament CentreThe comprehensive renovation project consists of the painting whitewash of the Thalassemia Health Center, a nurse station, a new kitchen built in the health centre, dining tables, and chairs to be used by patients during blood collection, blood hangers and storage room, curtains and floor coverings.

The Renovation Project for the Thalassemia Health Centre draws attention as both the main activity and one of the permanent projects of the Mağusa Mesarya Lions Club.

Mağusa Mesarya Lions Club has been active in community service since 2014, is one of the two Lions clubs in Northern Cyprus working in in a truly undistricted nature along with Nicosia New Generation Lions Club.

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