Deputy Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre said on Wednesday that Cyprus has seen numerous special envoys and that the UN Secretary-General’s temporary Special Envoy to Cyprus Jane Holl Lute will be no different.
Speaking on Güneş TV, Töre said he didn’t believe she will be able to find any middle ground between the two sides.
He also argued that the Turkish Cypriot side had shown weakness and vulnerability on the Cyprus Issue, particularly on the issue of guarantees.
The deputy parliamentary speaker also said that the decision to open the fenced-off city of Maraş/Varosha was the right move.
Meanwile, Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Havadis’ reports that Lute continued the meetings she started with the leaders on Sunday and she was determined not to leave the island until she got what she wanted. Noting that the UN envoy exerts efforts for the sides to reach an agreement on the principles and the methods of a possible negotiating process, the paper writes that the Turkish side had repeatedly stated that the agreements reached in the past, the joint statement of 11 February 2014 and the Guterres Framework should be included in the terms of reference. Citing “sources close to the UN”, Havadis reports that if, after “significant progress” on the terms of reference is achieved, Lute might join the two leaders in a tripartite meeting to finalise the agreement.
BRT, Havadis