Man Arrested For Machete Attack

Mehmet Kilic - arrested for machete attack in Nicosia

A 47-year-old man was arrested for attacking two people with a machete in Nicosia on Wednesday afternoon, Yeniduzen reports.

The man, only identified as MK, injured two people and was arrested and appeared at court today.

Giving evidence in court, a police officer stated that the man attempted the murder of 31-year-old Murat Gören by hitting the back of his head with the machete on Istanbul Street in Nicosia. The blow created a 7 cm cut on Goran’s head.

The police officer also stated that MK attacked a second person, Ibrahim Casun (24) intending to cause serious harm by throwing the machete at his head, breaking a tooth and making a 4 cm cut on his lower lip.

The police officer noted that following these events, the suspect committed the crime of intentional damage by throwing Murat Gören’s mobile phone on the ground which broke it. 

The suspect was discovered in Demirhan the same day and arrested in accordance with the pending warrant, and that nothing illegal was found during the searches made in his hotel room in Surlariçi, where he resided.

The police officer stated that the suspect should be examined by a doctor at Barış Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital to determine whether he is criminally responsible for the crimes he committed.

The officer noted that the investigation had just begun and that there were traces and camera footage that needed to be examined and that there were statements to be taken. Consequently, the police requested that the suspect be detained for one day in the first instance.

Judge Jale Ergüden, who evaluated the police officer’s testimony, ordered the suspect to be detained for one day. 




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