A proposed amendment to the Military Service Law in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has been submitted, aiming to revise paid military service fees and redefine service obligations. The Military Service (Amendment) Bill, published in the Official Gazette, introduces key changes, particularly for TRNC citizens who have dual citizenship with the Republic of Turkey.
Key Provisions of the Bill
The amendment seeks to adjust paid military service fees to make payments more manageable and introduces new regulations regarding military service obligations. Notably, TRNC citizens who fulfill their military service requirements in Turkey will now be exempt from serving in the TRNC. However, these individuals will not be eligible for public sector employment in the TRNC.
The bill, prepared by Gazimağusa MP Official Eroğlu CANALTAY of the National Unity Party (UBP), was published in the Official Gazette on January 29. Following its publication, both individuals and organizations have 20 days to submit their feedback in writing to the Presidency of the Assembly. The proposal will then be reviewed by the Legal, Political Affairs, Foreign Relations, and Defense Committees.
Changes in Military Service Obligations
Under the existing law, TRNC citizens with dual nationality who complete military service in Turkey are still required to serve in the TRNC. The proposed amendment eliminates this requirement, ensuring that those who fulfill their service obligations or exemption procedures in Turkey are no longer obligated to serve in the TRNC.
However, a significant condition is attached: TRNC citizens who complete their military service in Turkey will be barred from entering public service positions in the TRNC. This measure is intended to distinguish between those who plan to settle in the TRNC and those who do not.
Revisions to Paid Military Service Fees
Another major component of the proposal is the reduction of paid military service fees, which had become increasingly burdensome due to rising inflation and the corresponding increase in the minimum wage.
Under the proposed changes:
TRNC citizens who qualify for paid military service by completing a doctorate or working abroad for four years after university will be allowed to serve for one month by paying either:
Five times the monthly gross minimum wage in Turkish Lira, or
4,000 pounds sterling.
Currently, the law requires these individuals to pay 10 times the gross minimum wage, making the proposed change a significant reduction.
TRNC citizens residing in countries other than Turkey will have two options for fulfilling their military service obligations:
Paying a fee of 3,000 pounds sterling for exemption, or
Serving for one month by paying 1,500 pounds sterling.
Currently, these individuals are required to pay an amount ranging from four to seven times the minimum wage, which the new bill aims to lower.
Provisions for Returning Citizens
The amendment also introduces new regulations for TRNC citizens who wish to return to the country permanently, offering additional flexibility in military service obligations.
The bill is now open for public discussion and is set to be deliberated by relevant committees before any final legislative decisions are made.