The Minimum Wage Commission met for the third time to determine the first minimum wage of 2023, Yeniduzen reports.
Minister of Labour and Social Security Hasan Taçoy made the following press statement before the meeting:
“1,500 TL net is the highest point we can reach”. Also speaking to the press before the meeting, leader of HÜR-İŞ Ahmet Serdaroğlu, representing the workers, said that they could not accept 11,500 TL. He made a net offer of 12,039 TL and a gross offer of 13,839 TL.
Serdaroğlu said that the cost of living should be reduced rather than workers having to bargain for a higher minimum wage. “Don’t increase the prices, let’s not ask for an increase in the minimum wage. The main thing is not to raise the minimum wage, but to reduce the cost [of living]”, he said.
Meanwhile the employer’s representative, Metin Arhun, also made a statement prior to the meeting and said that every detail should be considered, otherwise businesses may face closure.