Mosquitoes Back in Town


North Cyprus News - Mosquito

Wednesday, 18 May 2022 

 Nicosia residents are again concerned about the arrival of the mosquito season, which is a problem which has remained unsolved for years, Kibris Postasi reported.

The director of a private pest control company told Kibris Postasi that improvement of stagnant water sources and regular spraying were very important.

He also said that the bites from mosquitos that have evolved have been causing allergic reactions and skin irritation.

Killing off mosquito larvae in February and March is very important, he said, noting that data from the primary health services would reveal how effective are preventative measures.

He emphasised that it was essential to kill off the larvae to prevent reproduction in the winter time, in particular in enclosed areas and wetlands. Where no preventative action is taken, a mosquito infestation is unavoidable and the public suffers, he said.

Kibris Postasi

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