Thursday, 2 February 2023
A well-known member of the ruling National Unity Party (UBP) posted a comment on social media regarding the cost of her monthly electricity bill, Kibris Postasi reports.
Burcu Karakaya, who was appointed as the Chairman of the UBP Women’s Branch in Kyrenia last March posted the following:
“The expected message came… At the same time, the solar [panel] system was installed in my house.. There is no heating system at the bottom of the house, there is a fireplace. Thank God. It is a home for three people. We are not at home from 8 o’clock in the morning until 5 o’clock at night”.
Despite this, she received an electricity bill for 11,000 TL [£474.31]
North Cyprus has also been plagued by intermittent power cuts because of failing power units at both Teknecik and AKSA power plants.