An ‘Anastasiades-Akinci document’ is being prepared according to Greek Cypriot newspaper ‘Alithia’.
Turkish Cypriot negotiator Ozdil Nami, is believed to have indicated that more progress has been achieved in three weeks than in the previous five years. He said that the produced convergence papers are on issues of “power sharing”, “governance”, “EU” and “property”, which were agreed in the past. He added that they have safeguarded progress on these issues and informed the leaders about this.
The two negotiators are carrying out intensive work to prepare a document with convergences, divergences, and issues on which the two sides are close, and which will provide the basis for substantive talks between the two leaders.
At the same time, Mavroyiannis and Nami are working on implementation of the CBMs that have already been announced and others that will be announced shortly.
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