New Economic Protocol to be Signed With Turkey

Saturday 2 April, 2022.

North Cyprus News - Faiz Sucuoglu - Labour Minister
[Prime Minister – Faiz Sucuoğlu]
The TRNC is preparing to sign a new economic protocol with Turkey next week, Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu said, Yeniduzen reported.

Speaking at the opening of an exhibition, the prime minister said, “We are working on an important economic protocol with Turkey and we will sign this protocol next week“.


Referring to the effects of the pandemic ongoing for two years and the deepening economic crises caused by Russia’s war on Ukraine, he said:
We are going through difficult processes as the world. A pandemic that has been going on for about two years and affecting the whole world, and besides this, the Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for more than a month. The world has become a small global village. The slightest improvement affects everyone. Just as all these events have affected us“.


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