New Generator For Teknecik Plant

Teknecik Power Station
[Teknecik Power Station]
The Turkish Embassy in Nicosia is involved in resolving the electricity supply problems at Teknecik power station, BRTK reports.

The seven-person delegation, headed by the General Manager, who came to the island from the Turkish Electricity Generation Corporation (EUAŞ) yesterday, continues its work at the Teknecik Power Plant

As a result of ongoing work, diesel power plant unit no. 8 is planned to be activated tomorrow.

According to information received from the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia, within the scope of the work carried out under the coordination of Ambassador Yasin Ekrem Serim, it was decided that another mobile power plant with a production capacity of 25 MW would be sent to the TRNC by EÜAŞ in order to eliminate the electricity deficit that occurred during the peak period due to the malfunction.

Thus, it was reported that the energy consumption needs will be met with both the diesel power plant unit number 8 and the mobile power plant to be put into operation in September, and the interruptions affecting many sectors will be reduced to a minimum.

Meanwhile, according to Yeniduzen, EÜAŞ, which is a public institution affiliated with the Turkish Electricity Authority, admitted that the fuel imported into North Cyprus by TPIC for Teknecik power station was contaminated.

The fuel in question was brought to the island on July 26, and the generators in Teknecik experienced malfunctions that cost 2 million TL in just 13 days after they came into contact with the fuel.


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