New Nicosia Sewage Mains Project Underway

Work is underway for the Northern Nicosia New Sewage Mains Project prepared by the Turkish Municipality of Nicosia to cater for population numbers that have increased over the last 30 years.

The agreement was signed on July 15 following an international tender with the contractor. Excavation work began in November by Turkish company Çeltikçioğlu from Turkey Cons. Ind. & Trade. Ltd. and Abdurrahim Temiz Engineering Company.

The budget for the project is 75 million TL (10,940,379 euros) which is an historical step and the EU has financed the project carried out by the French Suez SA Consulting, a company which operates largely in the water treatment and waste management sectors, to oversee the project.

Under the supervision of LTB engineers, the project has installed around 1000 metres of pressure pipeline to date. The works are being carried out in the region between Haspolat and Dumlupınar.

Within the scope of the project, 13 kilometres of main piping will be installed, old pump stations will be rebuilt in order to increase the sewage system capacity and an additional new station will be constructed.

The project is expected to be completed in April 2021.


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