Nicosia Municipality Loses Case Against Presidential Complex

Protestors against building new presidential complex
[Protest against new presidential complex – File photo]
Thursday, 24 November 2022

A case filed by Nicosia Turkish Municipality on the grounds that the new Presidential complex was being constructed without the necessary permits has been dismissed by the court, Turkish Cypriot daily ‘Halkın Sesi’ reported.

Mayor of Nicosia Mehmet Harmancı said that the court had stated that the municipality had no authority in this case and that authority to prosecute rested with the Attorney-General.

Harmancı stated that the NTM had had the authority to file a criminal case in order to stop the illegal construction, and that they want to file an illegal construction case against the TRNC Presidency and the TRNC Attorney-General in parallel with the Law on Municipalities. Reminding that the Office of the Attorney-General  is authorised to file a criminal case under normal circumstances, Harmancı said, “You are trying to file a criminal case at a point where the criminal case is at the Office of the Attorney-General. The court examined whether this was possible for 3-4 days and concluded that we were not authorised to do so”. Harmancı said, “This place is now out of our jurisdiction, it should now be the in the region of ​​public opposition“.

The construction of the complex which will include a new presidency, parliament building and mosque in the Kermia district is being funded by Turkey at a cost of 2.8 billion Turkish Lira, has drawn criticism from left-wing parties and unions. They say that it is unconstitutional, unwanted and an attempt to introduce a presidential system into the country. It was also described as a waste of money, which could be better spent on health and social care and schools. [Ed.]

Halkın Sesi

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