Speaking on webTv, Saner said that he wanted to see more details justifying price increases than the ones presented by Kib-Tek at the Council of Ministers’ meeting held on Monday.
He pointed out, however, that there had been no increase in electricity prices since 2019 and that the cost of fuel had risen since then.
The prime minister gave assurances that if there was a price rise it would not be 30 percent.
Vaccination Certificates
Regarding issues with the recognition of Turkish vaccination certificates, Prime Minister Saner went on to say:
“We know where the vaccines come from. This is a political event. The green card application is an application implemented by the EU among member states. Our vaccination system is integrated with Turkey. With the integration of Adapass and the Hes Code, our vaccination cards will also be accepted”, said Saner, adding that there is no need for any panic and worry about this, and the problem will be solved.
Saner also emphasised that no one should expect the TRNC to bow to pressure.