The target is to complete the 53 km section of the 322 km village roads project by the end of the year. It is planned to open the Iskele-Çayırova road on November 15, and the Balalan-Yenierenköy road should be completed in 2022.
At a meeting in Ankara between the Minister of Public Works and Transport, Resmiye Eroğlu Canaltay, and Turkish Vice-President Fuat Oktay, it was agreed that the existing cooperation between the Republic of Turkey and the TRNC should be further increased and its scope should be expanded. Further support from Turkey was requested to improve other village roads.
E-Government Data Centre
During the meeting, it was also agreed that the foundation for the e-government data centre should be laid on 20 July and that the work on expanding the service area should be accelerated.
A consensus was also reached on expanding the fibre optic infrastructure on the way to digitising the country.
In order to improve the infrastructure of information and communication technologies, the Digital Transformation Office tendered for consultancy and now, studies on modernising the TRNC’s communications infrastructure were under way.
Ercan Airport
The issue of completing the new terminal building at Ercan Airport and putting it into service as soon as possible was discussed.