One Death And Seven Injured In 64 Traffic Accidents

North Cyprus News - Driver Dies in Road Accident - FamagustaOne person died and seven others were injured in 64 traffic accidents that occurred between October 11-17 in North Cyprus, Kibris Postasi reported.

According to the weekly police traffic reported, 56 of the accidents resulted in 847,600 TL worth of damage.

There were 25 accidents in Nicosia, 18 in Kyrenia, 14 in Famagusta, 5 in Guzelyurt and 2 in Iskele.

Causes of Accidents

Speeding (17), failing to stop at a crossroad (14), careless driving (9) and other factors (10).

Meanwhile, further action has been taken against 982 of 7,501 vehicle drivers found to have committed traffic offences during routine traffic police monitoring across the country.

The main offences are listed as follows: Driving an unlicensed vehicle (170), talking on a mobile phone while driving (146) and driving without wearing a safety belt (64).

Kibris Postasi

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