Passengers Abandon Boat Following Explosion

North Cyprus News - Boat Expodes - Kyrenia HarbourFour people including two children jumped off a boat, after there was an explosion below deck outside Kyrenia harbour at around 6.30pm this evening.

The 6-metre-long motor boat named “Seçil” had come to a halt outside the harbour and exploded, possibly because of diesel fumes in the engine housing igniting after an attempt was made to re-start the engine.

Following the explosion, boat owner Ömür Erçika, who lives in Kyrenia, Benon Selengin (29), Rüzgar Erçika (6) and Pars Ozan (6) jumped into the sea.

They were rescued subsequently by Lord’s Palace Hotel Water Sports’ employee Alihan Seçilmiş and Coast Guard teams.

All persons on the boat were taken to Dr Akçiçek Hospital in Kyrenia for check ups.

As a result of the fire caused by the explosion, the boat was completely burnt out and sank.

The investigation into the event continues.


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