Penalities in Force For Breaking Quarantine Rules

New penalties for disregarding quarantine rules have been introduced.

For those who do not comply with the quarantine and self-isolation rules, the penalty is payment of the equivalent of five months minimum wages and/or one year imprisonment

Articles 36 and 43 of the Communicable Diseases (Amendment) Bill

North Cyprus News - Queuing for PCR test at Kyrenia Port For those who do not comply with the mask wearing and social distancing rules, the penalty is a fine of one tenth of the monthly gross minimum wage, a fine of up to five times the monthly gross minimum wage for those who do not comply with the quarantine rule, and a prison sentence of up to one year.

 Within the scope of the epidemic, it has been announced that if the official decisions published in the Official Gazette by the Ministry of Health are not complied with, if the mask wearing or social distance rules are not followed, an administrative fine of one tenth of the monthly gross minimum wage will be applied.

Penalties for those who do not comply with the closure of businesses

It was stated that if people act in a way that may threaten public health, if they act against the decision to close down businesses, they may receive a fine up to five times the monthly gross minimum wage, or a prison sentence of up to one year or both.

 Those who do not pay the penalty will be sent to the court within 30 days.

It was also included in the amendment that if the penalties are not paid within 30 days, the crime will be referred to the court and in case of conviction, a fine or imprisonment up to six times the monthly gross minimum wage will be imposed.  

It was stated that administrative fines, closure penalties and suspension of organisation and activities can be used by municipal law enforcement officers or municipal health personnel if authorised by the Council of Ministers together with the Ministry of Health.


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