Pharmacists Defrauded Insurance Companies


North Cyprus News - Pharmacy

Tuesday, 10 October 2023 

Pharmacist K.D., pharmacist F.I. and trainee pharmacist Z.P., who were arrested yesterday evening within the scope of prescription fraud investigation, were brought to Nicosia District Court.

Giving details in court, the police stated that the suspects were arrested on the allegation that they fraudulently obtained money from insurance companies by writing fake prescriptions without the knowledge of the patients.

 The police stated that the two pharmacist suspects have pharmacies, one in Gönyeli and one in Geçitkale, and that they had written a total of 3,275 prescriptions in the last eight months via the two pharmacies. 

Doctor M.A who was arrested previously wrote 1,416 of the prescriptions in question, while 1,310 of them were written by the previously arrested Doctor F.K. and 500 prescriptions were written by the Doctor İ.İ., who was arrested yesterday.

Giving details about the trainee pharmacist Z.P., the police stated that Z.P. ‘s mobile phone number was found on two of the prescriptions and that this issue would be investigated.

The police said that 21 statements had been taken since yesterday evening and that 16 prescriptions were found to be fake.The court ruled that the suspects be detained for three days.


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