Platform Protesting Against Giant Statue Meet Özyiğit

North Cyprus News - The Noble Peasant - StatueChairman of the Communal Democracy Party (TDP), Cemal Özyiğit received a delegation from the members of the “No Sculpture Platform”, BRT reported.

According to the written statement made by TDP, environmental issues were discussed, especially the “Noble Villager ” statue, which is planned to be built in the forest land on the foothills of the Kyrenia Mountain range.

The TDP leader said that building the statue will have a negative impact on the environment and will bring no social benefits.

Özyiğit said that building the gigantic statue should be re-evaluated. He noted that those who were protesting against the statue had no objection to art installations as such, but their social, economic, environmental and artistic dimensions should be evaluated holistically. Protecting the environment was paramount, he said.

Speaking on behalf of the “No to Statue Platform”, which was formed by around 50 organisations, Hasan Sarpten stated that they were against the construction of a giant statue called “Noble Villager” in one of the most important natural regions in the foothills of the mountain.

Sarpten pointed out that the “Noble Peasant” statue, plans for which are progressing, although it is not official, is full of ecological, economic, cultural and artistic disadvantages. If necessary steps are not taken in this direction, they will initiate all kinds of opposition, including actions and using the judicial process. Sarpten noted that they will carry out their first actions in this framework on July 28 in Girne.

Özyiğit also stated that they will support the Platform’s struggle and the action they will take on July 28.


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