Pollution Fears From Kib-Tek Fuel Continue

North Cyprus News - Teknecik Power PlantQuestions continued to be asked regarding the quality of fuel purchased directly for Kib-Tek without going to tender, Yeniduzen reported.

The newspaper has asked Kib-Tek to publish the reports of the fuel analysis. By way of response, Kib-Tek Chairman of the Board, Turan Büyükyılmaz said “the fuel we imported fits all standards“. Yeniduzen reported that only five of 22 content analyses were shared with the newspaper.

The first five items on the list which are within limits are:
Sulfur, Density, Kinematic viscosity, Flash Point, (Pouring Point), Water in Fuel (Water by distillation).

Kib-Tek’s Chairman of the Board, Turan Büyükyılmaz, stated that the sulfur ratios are below one in incoming fuels and said, “There is no problem in terms of environmental concerns”.

However, A number of experts in the environment and energy sector are demanding to see the full list and are asking if all elements of the fuel analysed are within limits, why not make the findings public?

Ali Murat Cellatoğlu, President of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO) that they have requested the test results under the Freedom of Information Law and want to test the fuel for themselves.

He said that if the fuel does not comply with acceptable standards there will be environmental damage and machinery at Kib-Tek will also suffer damage. This could lead to further power cuts, he said.

Explaining that the Chamber has requested the test results but no report or explanation has been given to them yet. The President of the Chamber of Electrical Engineers (EMO), has said that this leaves a very big question mark in their minds.

Cellatoğlu said, “If it is a standard product, the results are not explained. The only reason is that it does not conform to the standard”. Stating that substandard fuel will create a big dilemma especially in the future, Cellatoğlu said the following:

The smoke from the flues is now coming out of the other flues. This is very serious environmental pollution. As a result, [this affects] the food we consume and the air we breathe. If it does not comply with the standard, it can cause serious damage to machine engines. The mechanical problems it will cause may cause us very serious mechanical problems in the future. The plant can be seriously damaged. Performance degradation may also occur.

“Kıb-Tek has serious problems. The maintenance time of the machines has already passed. The use of poor quality or non-standard fuel can cause serious damage to machines. Even though there is fuel, days without electricity could be waiting for us”.


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