During that time, small hotels and hostels in the Iskele-Karpaz region were at almost full occupancy. This had made a significant contribution to the local economy, he said. Three thousand people stay in hotels and small holiday villages during the holiday, Ataoğlu noted that this number does not include house and apartment rentals.
When open tourism begins, on June 3, this will enhance the economy even further, he said.
The tourism minister said that the contribution of the tourism sector and its stakeholders to the country’s economy is better understood in the light of all this data. Tourist numbers were much higher than expected, he said. Ataoğlu emphasised that the tourism sector needs an even more comprehensive and planned opening for June, in order to get a better share from tourism compared to countries in the Mediterranean basin.
While planning for the full reopening of the tourism sector, a system should be in place permitting entry to those who have proof of double vaccination and/or evidence of two negative PCR tests, depending on where those tourists came from, he said.
Should it be necessary, closed-circuit tourism could be maintained in some regions and this should be advertised in advance, Ataoğlu said.