There will be a teachers’ strike in some primary schools on Wednesday, the Cyprus Turkish Teachers’ Union (KTÖS) has announced, BRTK reports.
In a statement issued by the union, the Ministry of Education was accused of bringing the Teachers’ Law Amendment Bill onto the agenda in order to create artificial agendas to cover up its own inadequacies and to deflect from the real issue which is education.
In the statement, which said, “One of our real education agendas is schools with high population density and crowded classrooms“.
In the statement, it was noted that in order to bring the real problems of the schools to the agenda, between 08:00 and 11:00 tomorrow, 13 schools with a high population density which have to provide education in crowded classrooms will go on strike.
List of Schools to be Closed on Wednesday
Gonyeli Primary School
Sht. Ertugrul Primary School
9 Eylül Primary School
Dr. Suat Günsel State Primary School
Sht. Yalcin Primary School
April 23 Primary School
Alsancak Primary School
Sht. Hasan Cafer Primary School
Karaoglanoglu Primary School
Mustafa Çağatay Primary School
Alasya Primary School
Polatpasa Primary School
Sht. Huseyin Akil Primary School