Public Servants Hold One-Day Strike

North Cyprus News - Civil Servants Strike The Turkish Cypriot Public Servants Union (KTAMS) and the Public Workers Union (Kamu-İş) are on strike in all branches of the Motor Vehicles Unit because of staff shortages, a lack of security and people enduring long waiting in poor conditions. 

The heads of KTAMS and Kamu-İş issued a statement to the press in front of the Motor Vehicles Unit in Nicosia. 

The head of Kamu-İş President Ahmet Serdaroğlu said that politicians were not dealing with the problems faced by citizens and employees, and that they were spending their time on election tours.

Noting citizens are forbidden to enter public service buildings without a mask, but at this time public employees are faced with citizens not wearing masks, Serdaroğlu stated that the reason why citizens don’t not want to wear a mask may be due to the fact that the governors of the country do not comply with this rule.

Calling the people to focus their anger in the right quarters, Serdaroğlu said, “The people you should complain to are not the employees. If you want to blame those responsible, blame the government,” he said.

Stating that people who go to the Motor Vehicles Unit branches are either kept waiting outside in the heat or in an environment with no air conditioning, Serdaroğlu noted that because citizens are having to wait in unacceptable conditions, the troubles “stemmed from the lack of personnel” and that public employees were trying to provide services under difficult conditions.


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