Political party leaders, speaking to Kibris Postasi, condemned the signs as inhumane and called for zero tolerance towards racism. They emphasised the need for immediate action, reminding that hate speech is illegal and violates human rights.
Tufan Erhürman: This is Racism and Inhumane
Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Chairman Tufan Erhürman labeled the signs as acts of racism and xenophobia, stressing their inhumanity. He emphasised that such behaviour cannot be legitimised and warned against allowing racism and xenophobia to take root.
Erhürman noted that ignoring the problem now and trying to address it later with education will not suffice. He cited the rise of racism and far-right ideologies even in countries known for their strong educational systems as evidence.
He highlighted the uncontrolled influx of foreigners over the past few years as a factor making racism and xenophobia more visible. Immediate measures are needed in areas such as population management, citizenship, employment, education, and property sales to foreigners.
Fikri Ataoğlu: A Different Perspective Needed
Democrat Party (DP) Chairman and Minister of Tourism and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu called for viewing the community’s support for the signs from a different angle. He stressed that if an incident disturbs public peace, regardless of nationality, there is clearly a problem.
Kudret Özersay: Zero Tolerance For Racism
People’s Party (HP) Chairman Kudret Özersay underscored the importance of zero tolerance for racism. He noted the significant demographic changes in the country over the past 20 years, with people from diverse cultures now living together.
Ozarsay called for consensus on basic rules to facilitate harmonious living. He suggested regulations such as wearing swimsuits instead of underwear when swimming and prohibiting nudity in public areas.
He emphasised that banning certain nationalities from beaches is unacceptable and warned against normalising such behaviour, which could lead to more extreme racist attitudes.
Recalling past racism in the U.S., Özersay highlighted the need to avoid discriminatory language and attitudes, as they can trigger serious societal issues. He urged everyone to act responsibly to prevent the rise of far-right movements.
Erhan Arıklı: Subconscious Racism is Horrifying
Rebirth Party (YDP) Chairman Erhan Arıklı condemned the subconscious racism evident in some people’s attitudes. He stressed that classifying people based on nationality, race, or gender is unworthy of the Turkish Cypriot culture and religion.
Arıklı urged society to question itself and noted that those with racist views are culturally degenerate. He condemned the signs and the community’s support for them.
Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu: Unacceptable Statements
National Unity Party (UBP) General Secretary Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu described the signs as unacceptable. He reminded that hate speech is prohibited by TRNC law and violates human rights.
Hasipoğlu highlighted the responsibility of the local authority Famagusta Municipality, to ensure peaceful use of the beaches. He concluded that both the person who made the statement and those who allowed it to happen are responsible.