Report on Flood Disaster to be Published

North Cyprus News - Floods - LaptaFollowing the flooding experienced on the island and the tragic loss of four young lives, Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman has said that a report will be prepared by the Union of the Chamber of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects. The results of which will be shared with the public.

Prime Minister Erhurman said that the condition of stream beds in particular, had shown they did not comply with legislation and scientific data.

Erhurman warned that if there is any evidence of malpractice which had worsened flood conditions, those responsible would face legal action.

North Cyprus News - Flood victims - Food AidMeanwhile, the Evkaf Foundation has launched an aid campaign for those who have been affected by the floods.

In association with the North Cyprus Red Crescent Society, the Evkaf is providing shelter, food and blankets to those who have lost their homes.

In order to raise aid funds, two bank accounts have been opened for those who wish to donate.

The bank details are as follows: Kibris Vakiflar Bank, Lefkosa Branch TL account: 10-304-1954,
Sterling a/c: 10-301-3902, Euro a/c: 10–301-3901, US$ a/c: 10-301-3903.

Turkiye Ziraat Bank, Lefkosa Branch TL a/c: 157100-5007, Sterling a/c: 157100-5010, Euro a/c: 157100-5009 and US$ a/c: 157100-5008.




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