The TRNC Consumers Association has said that it will create a black list of all vendors who are taking advantage of consumers by hiking prices, Kibris Postasi reported.
The Consumers Association said that the Department of Health and the Department of Primary Health were responsible for inspecting consumer goods and prices, but had failed to carry out inspections.
“Our Association condemns the Ministry of Economy and Energy because the labels of basic consumer goods have been changed, some [goods] are underweight, unlabeled, poor quality, with price differences between labels and cases, and because they are sold to consumers at exorbitant prices in an opportunistic way, which contravenes commercial ethics,” a statement issued by the Association said.
The statement added that consumers were angry that some vendors were taking advantage by increasing prices of the most basic food stuff by between 50-100 percent; this is despite a recent reduction in exchange rates.
It went on to say: “Our Association strongly emphasises that it will implement a “boycott” in which the consumers will participate as a whole, within the scope of the “Black List”, of the workplaces and markets found to be making sales that make consumers aggrieved.”