Solution via mediators not possible: Eroglu

Turkish Cypriot President Dervis Eroglu has stated that reaching a solution to the Cyprus problem through mediators is not possible and that the solution could be achieved only at the negotiating table, ‘Kibris Postasi’ reports.

In statements on Thursday after meeting with the Turkish Cypriot Assembly, Eroglu said that “adopting shuttle diplomacy will be tantamount to playing with time” and described as “unacceptable” the Greek Cypriot’s demand that Turkey withdraws its ships from Cyprus’ exclusive economic zone.

Eroglu added that it is not possible for them to accept any precondition in order for the Greek Cypriot side to return to the negotiating table. “What is important here is for Anastasiades to unconditionally return to the negotiating table”, he maintained.

Referring to the content of the Assembly meeting, Eroglu said that they discussed the eight-paragraph-package of measures decided upon by the Greek Cypriot National Council and that the Turkish Cypriot political parties showed that “we are not in the position of accepting the preconditions of the south.”

Eroglu accused the Greek Cypriot side of creating “artificial reasons” to abandon the negotiating table, something which “is important from the point of view of showing that it is not looking for an agreement“.

He also argued that in the past Turkish ships had also held seismic explorations in the area and warships that belong to the Turkish Naval Forces continuously navigate the disputed area.

Referring to the statement made by the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu who has proposed “negotiations for agreeing on two states” in Cyprus, Eroglu noted:

“I think that it is a very appropriate statement. If the South Cyprus Greek administration alleges that whatever there is in the sea belongs to my state, the seas in the north are mine. Then what shall we discuss? The sharing has been decided. What remains is to bring this to the negotiating table and discuss the two states chapter”.

Eroglu said that this is tantamount to a call for coming to a new negotiating table and added: “If you say that the seas in the south of the island are mine, under my sovereignty, I say to you come and let us change our mission at the negotiating table”.

Referring to “Greek Cypriot demands” at the negotiating table, Eroglu said that he will hold meetings in various sectors in order to inform people of the Greek Cypriot demands with regard to territory. He argued that the Greek Cypriots want the entire Karpaz peninsula, Morfou/Guzelyurt and southern Mesaoria plain and well as the half of northern Mesaoria. “And we will become tenants of the Greeks on the lands we think that will be left to us”, he argued.

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