Friday, 7 April 2023
Cyprus Turkish Public Officials Union (KTAMS), have announced that there will be a strike today at Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital Radiology Service in the MRI department in protest at the lack of personnel in that department.
The strike begins this morning at 8am and will end at 11pm tonight.
A statement issued by the union said the following:
“Despite all the well-intentioned efforts of our union, the Ministry of Health has not taken any steps towards eliminating the shortage of personnel in the Radiology Service MRI department at Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital. It has become impossible to carry out MR services with existing personnel.
“Our union, in order to draw attention to the insensitive attitude of the Ministry of Health …..will carry out a strike in the MRI department”.
KTAMS will also make a press release in front of the hospital at 11:00.
On 15 March, KTAMS went on strike in the Radiology Department demanding more staff for the MRI department.