Tatar Makes Statement About Rising Infection Rates

Cyprus News - Prime Minister - Ersin Tatar
[President Ersin Tatar]
President Ersin Tatar has issued a statement regarding the recent increase in coronavirus infection numbers, BRT reported.

The president noted that the TRNC has successfully combated the epidemic thanks to the national vaccination programme and widely applied screening tests. However, he emphasised the importance of continuing to comply with personal safety measures at this time.

Drawing attention to the fact that case numbers of the highly infectious Omicron variant are increasing in North Cyprus as in the rest of the world including Southern Cyprus and Turkey, he stressed the importance of the vaccine and getting a booster dose. Observing the mask, distance and hygiene rules are also essential, he said.

The president said that while hospitalisation and death rates are being monitored, these rates are at a level which can be contained with vaccination and taking personal safety precautions.

President Tatar thanked all health workers who, for almost two years, have been working devotedly to combat the virus.


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