Tatar Pressing for ‘Velvet Divorce’

North Cyprus News - Ersin Tatar






August 13, 2019

Prime Minister and leader of the National Unity Party (UBP) Ersin Tatar has said that an agreement based on a federation that fulfils the expectations of the Turkish Cypriot people is not possible.

During an interview on Gunes TV, Tatar evaluated the Cyprus issue and President Mustafa Akinci’s meeting with the Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades.

We, as the National Unity Party and the government, don’t think that a solution based on a federation, one that meets the expectations of the Turkish Cypriot people, is possible due to the Greek Cypriot side’s stance. We believe it’s impossible. Past experiences, what’s been said and what’s been written is proof of this. We believe a two-state solution is possible and we have been voicing this view to everyone. The Turkish Cypriot side should act with this reality and if there are going to be negotiations then we should be able to bring alternative solution formulas to the table. This is essential“, said Tatar.

He asserted that the aim of the Greek Cypriot side is to break the Turkish Cypriot people away from Turkey and to remove Turkey’s active and effective guarantees on Cyprus.

Our security being dependent of the EU is not possible for Turkish Cypriots. The EU’s future isn’t clear. The Greek Prime Minister is calling the guarantees outdated and primitive. We are in need of Turkey’s guarantees just as we were in need of them in the past. Whoever doesn’t want this then shouldn’t be seeking a solution with us”, Tatar argued.

North Cyprus News - Anastasiades - AkinciReferring to the meeting that took place between Akinci and Anastasiades last Friday, Tatar said there was no foundation for a meeting to take place, adding: “Akinci said that Anastasiades requested the meeting. We are saying that the foundation for a meeting or the conditions for a meeting do not exist. [Mrs. Jane Holl] Lute worked hard for a year to find a joint vision to no avail”. He further noted that they had voiced their view that either a confederate solution or a velvet divorce should be brought to the agenda.

We don’t want to waste any more time. The Turkish Cypriot people don’t want the Greek Cypriot side to create a federal solution as they please and no one has the right to stall the Turkish Cypriot people any longer“, Tatar reiterated.

Noting that currently there are two separate states on the island, Tatar added that after this time no one should expected the Turkish Cypriots to be patched on to any new [state] formation, that is not possible.

Emphasising the fact that no one should underestimate the socio-economic and political structure in the north of the island, Tatar reminded that the country had come to where it was today thanks to the support given by Turkey and added that after this time the Turkish Cypriot people would not come under the domination of anyone.


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