Tatar Reaffirms Two-State Solution for Cyprus

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel - President Tatar
[CHP Chairman Özgür Özel – President Tatar]
President Ersin Tatar has reiterated that a fair, permanent, and sustainable solution to the Cyprus issue must be based on a two-state model, calling on the other side to show courage to achieve this outcome.

Highlighting that two separate states have existed in Cyprus for the past 60 years, President Tatar emphasised the potential for an agreement founded on cooperation between two equal and sovereign states. He stressed that both sides should retain their own sovereignty, authority, and jurisdiction, without one side dominating the other.

President Tatar recently received the Chairman of Turkey’s main opposition party, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Özgür Özel, along with his delegation, who visited the island for the 41st anniversary celebrations of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

According to a statement from the Presidency, President Tatar expressed his pleasure at hosting CHP Chairman Özgür Özel on this significant occasion. “It is very meaningful to have you with us on this important day. I extend my heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of myself and the Turkish Cypriot people“, he said during the reception.

President Tatar affirmed that the Turkish Cypriots have maintained their existence on the island with their identity, values, and spirit intact, free from subjugation or captivity. He noted that discussions around a federation as a solution to the Cyprus problem had persisted for years but ultimately failed due to the Greek Cypriot side’s mindset.

He claimed that the Greek Cypriots see themselves as superior and aim to establish a unitary Cyprus, viewing the island as inherently Hellenic. President Tatar further argued that by joining the European Union and maintaining strong ties with Greece, the Greek Cypriots believe they have achieved Enosis (union with Greece) indirectly.

The President also drew attention to the ongoing embargoes imposed on Turkish Cypriots, including restrictions on direct flights, international engagement, and sports participation. “We will not surrender simply because of these challenges“, he declared.

Addressing criticisms from some opposition parties within the TRNC, President Tatar remarked that they were seeking agreements merely to alleviate immediate difficulties, even if such agreements would place Turkish Cypriots under the authority of the Greek Cypriots.


Reiterating his position, President Tatar underlined that two separate states have coexisted in Cyprus for the past six decades. He stated that any resolution must be based on cooperation between two equal and sovereign entities, each maintaining its own authority, sovereignty, and jurisdiction without the domination of one side over the other.

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