Tests For New Nasal Spray to Combat Covid-19

North Cyprus News - Testing for Covid-19Near East University (NEU) has announced that the protective nasal spray it developed in order to prevent the contamination of cells by SARS-CoV-2, which causes Covid-19, was approved by the Italian Ministry of Health.

According to the statement made by NEU, “Nasal Spray” was developed in partnership with NEU, Perugia University, Erciyes University, European Biotechnology Association (EBTNA) and Italian MAGI Group.

Laboratory studies have been completed in Italy and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the nasal spray, which has been determined to be non-toxic or harmful to cells, has been approved by the Italian Ministry of Health as a safe and effective product based on natural ingredients.

Nasal spray to be applied through the nose or mouth provides a physical defense by creating a shield that will prevent viruses from entering cells. It also inactivates the virus. In reliability tests on the spray, which was formulated to form a protective film that prevents the contact of SARS-CoV-2 with cells, it was reported that there was no toxic effect and no side effects were observed in people using the spray.


 The first phase of the experiments on volunteers in the TRNC  will begin for the Nasal Spray, which has been tried on 87 people in Italy. The spray, which was developed to kill the SARS-CoV-2, which causes coronavirus disease, before entering the cells and to prevent the transmission of the virus, will be applied in the control group, in high-risk groups that come into contact with people with suspected Covid-19 and on close contacts of Covid-19 positive people.


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