The Deputy Speaker of the Assembly Fazilet Özdenefe (CTP) gave an interview with Yeniduzen in which she said that the Üstel government was not legitimate and had done great damage to the democracy.
“The manner of our opposition will change and diversify in the face of the illegitimate government”, she said. Özdenefe underlined that boycotting parliament or turning to the nation are tools that can be applied in democratic struggles, but that such tools can benefit the society if they are designed for the right purpose and in the right time, with results. “Exactly under these conditions, the opposition assumes an even more important responsibility. As one of its elements, it has to intensify its struggle”, she said.
Özdenefe stated that the struggle can be carried out simultaneously on the streets and in parliament, and noted that these are not alternatives to each other, on the contrary, they can be used as elements that support each other and enhance the struggle.
“We are currently faced with an undemocratic and illegitimate mentality. We are in a period when we need to close ranks, increase and intensify the fronts against this undemocratic, illegitimate mentality”, she said.
Regarding how the UBP-DP-YDP government was re-established, she was asked how this had been arrived at and what kind of government was this?
“First of all, it should be clearly stated that the established government is not legitimate, and let alone providing benefits to this country, it does great harm to both the internal party democracies of the partners and the democracy of the country”, Özdenefe said.
“How did we get to today? Of course, this should not be handled in a few months. The fact that the problems of the established political and social structure in the country have continued to grow over the years, that we have turned to ourselves over the deadlock on the Cyprus issue at many points, and that we are outside of international law has a great impact on what is going on. Until a federal solution is realised in these lands, the Turkish Cypriot people have to manage in order to exist of their own will and stand on their own feet. What we have experienced in recent years is the result of the well-known mentality that rules this country, acting on the contrary, and making both the country and the system kneel instead of standing up.
“There is no need to go back too far, when we look at our recent history, we can see how we were dragged to the grave point we are in, as if we were watching a film strip. There was a presidential election process in this country, where the interventions are now reported and almost no one denies it. It would be wrong to say that Ersin Tatar was elected President with all kinds of manipulations and interventions. As a natural result of this, the President has been serving only those who brought him to that office, instead of leading the Turkish Cypriot people since the day he took that office. Because he knows and sees that the people have not taken him to office. That’s why he serves those who brought him to office. At this point, Mr. Tatar has neither a vision, a will, nor a concern for all this. Since the presidential elections, we had seen and warned that the process we are going through today was actually screaming. In fact, remember, we told the public that we would not even participate in the elections in the event of similar interference in the general elections”.
“Tatar is only the implementer of the policies set before him”
“It is clear what Tatar’s phrase “harmony with Turkey” means, “Someone gives instructions and I do what is necessary”. However, this attitude causes serious damage to the Turkish Cypriot people as well as to the Turkish-TRNC relations. Because of this understanding, when we look at Turkish relations, we can easily see that a completely unhealthy and distorted form of relationship has emerged, let alone talking about good relations. The new understanding of politics that has dominated the country in the 2020 process also plays a role in what we are experiencing today”, Fazilet Özdenefe said.
For full interview click here – Yeniduzen