Three Month Time-Frame for Talks: Nami

Renewed Cyprus negotiations cannot be held in a way that repeats the process of the previous talks, Energy and Economy Minister Ozdil Nami has said. Merely declaring readiness for a restart is not enough, Nami said in an interview with Greek Cypriot daily ‘Kathimerini’.

North-Cyprus-News-Akinci-AnastasiadesEveryone was ready to conclude [negotiations] on the basis of the Guterres’ framework. Unfortunately, only the Greek Cypriot leader was not ready. Both sides must accept from the outset a three-month timetable and an action plan, he said.

Among other things, Nami stated, “We need to clarify how we will complete this process. Personally, I believe that both sides must seek meaningful negotiations. That is, both sides accept a three-month timetable from the outset, under UN arbitration if needed.

Set up a package deal to be approved by the two leaders and the three guarantors and then go to referendums. If two “yes” results (from the referenda), this chapter closes. If, however, a new “no” emerges from the Greek Cypriot side, then the Turkish Cypriot side will continue its course with the status agreed by the two leaders before the start of the new negotiations. Without such a plan we should not expect progress on the Cyprus issue”, he said.

“Pressures from outside will not work. In such a case, even if the talks are finally started, there will be no positive conclusion”, Nami said.


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