Trade Unions Call for General Strike

The Trades Union Platform has announced that it will organise a general strike in protest against the conditions of the latest economic protocol signed between the government and Turkey.

North Cyprus News - Sener ElcilSecretary General of KTÖS teachers’ union, Şener Elcil, made a statement on behalf of Trade Union Platform. He said that for political purposes, Turkey had “imposed” the protocol on the government in return for financial aid. [Turkey is set to give the TRNC 750 million Turkish Lira in financial aid.]

Elcil said that the unions had evaluated the terms of the agreement with Turkey and considered that they constitute a threat to the identity, culture and social existence of the Turkish Cypriot community, He summarized the following:

This package includes the destruction of the gains of the working people, the impoverishment of the Turkish Cypriot community, the pursuit of our social assets, the enrichment of the business community, promoting the migration of young people from the country, the regression of education and the imposition of a mortgage on the political will of the Turkish Cypriot community.

In this context, we invite all our people to support the general strike and general resistance for the social existence to be organised in the coming days in order for the Turkish Cypriot community to live a humane life, to stand on its own feet, to govern itself and to take honourable place in a federal United Cyprus”, he said.

Kibris News Agency

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