Turkey Should Recognise TRNC in Parliament

Münür Rahvancıoğlu - Independence Road
[Münür Rahvancıoğlu – Independence Road Party]
Saturday, 24 September 2022

If Turkey wants to promote the TRNC, firstly it should recognise it in the Turkish Grand National Assembly before going to the United Nations”, the Deputy Secretary General of the Independence Road party Münür Rahvancıoğlu said, Kibris Postasi reports.

In a television interview, he went on to say that when its teams play international matches, the TRNC flag should be represented at the games.

Kib-Tek Privatisation

Referring to the ongoing debacle about cancelled tenders to supply fuel for the state electricity authority Kib-Tek, he said the following:

Tenders are opened, tenders are cancelled, fuel is purchased at much higher rates, as a result, the people are crushed by the cost, thus paving the way for privatisation of the institution”.

This contradicts the policies the government claims will strengthen its public institutions, Rahvancıoğlu said.

The current state of public enterprises is very good, we cannot say that it should continue as it is. Of course, there should be an improvement, but the solution is not to donate it to the private sector”, he added.

Public Confidence in Government

Rahvancıoğlu said that since 1974, the quality of life has not improved. Public confidence in its leaders is at its lowest point. Passing laws without public debate creates chaos, he said in reference to the Municipalities Law which has halved the number of local municipalities.

Opposition’s Tactics

This process was not the problem of a party or individuals, it was everyone’s problem. Everyone who wants to stand up for the will of the Turkish Cypriots in the social sense should come together as in the process of “rejecting”, we should go everywhere together, we should be told what kind of interventions [there are] to our will and what kind of results it will have”.

Kibris Postasi

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