Turkish Cypriot State Schools Below EU Standards

North Cyprus News - Schoolchildren

Monday, 30 May 2023

The Ministry of Education issued a written statement titled “Why Full-Day Education?” Kibris Postasi reports.

The statement said that the quality of teaching, teacher competencies, course achievements, teaching approaches and methods, and student needs cannot be considered independently of the country’s near, medium and distant goals for 21st century skills. 

Full-time education in schools will facilitate the student’s right to access quality education in a healthy, impartial and quality environment and will enable them to reach 21st century skills, the statement said.

World examples show that in full-time schools, both students and teachers find more time to consolidate skills such as reading, writing, verbal expression, scientific and mathematical skills, and analysis based on critical thinking”.

The statement said that “international organisations doing research on education such as UNESCO and OECD state that the time spent at school is one of the most important factors in improving the quality of education and training, and this phenomenon is evaluated depending on the duration of compulsory education, the number of days in the academic year and how many hours a day the student spends at school. was recorded.

In this context, the annual education period in primary schools in the country is 692 hours on average, while the OECD average is 799 hours per year and the EU average is 775 hours. is below the average. In addition, looking at the annual period, it is seen that the annual number of days in primary schools is 173 days in our country, the OECD average is 185 days and the EU average is 182 days”. 

Pointing out that it is essential to switch to full-time education in order to balance the difference between public and private schools, it was stated that the time allocated to education is an important resource for the realisation of gains.

Adding that  with the transition to full-time education, an important step will be taken towards the change of informal unplanned construction, it was noted that the more time spent on learning at school, the more students will be successful in life.

Special Needs and Pre-School

 In the statement, it was noted that the needs of special education, pre-school and disadvantaged students can be met more inclusively with full-time education. Thanks to the pilot scheme (two days a week), meeting requirements such as infrastructure and the need for teachers will directly contribute to the quality of education.

Kibris Postasi

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