Better protection for nesting turtles on Famagusta and İskele beaches are needed, marine experts say. They warned tourist boats not to moor off beaches in the Area of Special Environmental Protection (Sepa) at Alagadi.
Appeals went out after turtle nests were discovered by locals on a beach between the Salamis Bay and Crystal Rock hotels this week, leading to a request for measures to protect them.
Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU) Underwater Research Centre assistant head and biologist Burak Ali Çiçek said on Thursday: “We have today seen vehicle tracks within inches of nests . . . We appeal to the public not to drive on to beaches, picnic at night, light fires or take lights on to the beach.”
He added: “We have been monitoring Karpaz turtle beaches since 1992. Golden Beach and Alagadi are now famous, but these beaches are further down the list and are badly abused . . .
“All North Cyprus beaches are turtle beaches and we should act accordingly,” the biologist said.
Cyprus Today