Wednesday, 16 February, 2022.
Heavy security was in place around the court, and police closed the area to traffic.
The two suspects, Veysel Sarı and Musa Çiçek, both wearing bullet-proof vests, appeared in court under tight security. Police requested an extension of the two men’s detention period while they continue their investigations in the Catalkoy shootings. The police were granted an extension of remand for a further eight days.
Giving evidence in court regarding the two suspects, police officer Murat Bayram said that a 9 mm gun had been found in the house occupied by Sarı and Çiçek and that it had been used in the Ali Maytalman shooting incident which took place in Ankara in November 2014.

Statements had been taken from around 100 people and further 60 to 70 more were pending, the police officer said. He noted that footage from 80 security cameras was being examined.
Officer Bayram said that four vehicles were used in the incident and had been detected from traffic camera footage. Bayram said that work was being done to identify two more vehicles.
He said that there were two more people being sought regarding the shooting incident. One more person had been identified and arrested following statements given by the suspect Veysel Sarı. Bayram noted that the number of detainees linked to the incident in Turkey had increased to six.
Discarded Clothes Found in Riverbed
Office Bayram said that fingerprints belonging to Sarı and Çiçek and other evidence had been sent to Turkey for analysis to check for DNA, gunpowder residue and to confer about examination results on discarded clothing which had been found in a riverbed in Doğanköy.
Bayram said that Mustafa Söylemez, who reportedly had been arrested in Turkey, was escaping from the crime scene to the Doğanköy region, stopped by the creek and threw away his coat and shoes. These clothing items were found during a police search and taken as evidence. The items will be tested for gunpowder residue, he said.
Detained for Eight More Days
The two suspects Veysel Sarı and Musa Çiçek will remain in detention for eight more days as part of the investigation carried out on charges of willful manslaughter, unlawful use of firearms and explosives, deliberate damage and opening fire in a residential area.
Two other suspects, Turkistan Gülce and Halil Işık were arrested after it was discovered that they had given false statements. They were detained for another day.
Also giving evidence, Police Sergeant Mustafa Özmüezzin stated that the suspects were charged with the crimes of using illegal firearms and explosives, carrying, disposing of, and opening fire in a residential area within the scope of the murder investigation.
He said that both suspects, who were identified and arrested on February 12, had voluntarily given their statements and had admitted their guilt.
Sergeant Özmuezzin said that according to the ballistics report on the gun belonging to the suspect Gülce, a fingerprint of an unidentified person had been found, meaning that there is another unknown person thought to be linked to the crime.
Özmüezzin recalled that on the night of the incident, the suspect Gülce had fired two shots into the air with a 9 mm gun that he had unlawfully in his possession, and that suspect Halil Işık had fired three times into the air with a 9mm gun that he had illegally in his possession.
Özmüezzin announced that the guns and bullets in the possession of the suspect Gülce and Işık were taken as evidence.
The first suspect to be detained, Ömer Tunç, will appear in court tomorrow.
One Person Released
In report published by Kibris Postasi on Tuesday, it was stated that according to Mustafa Atakara, the lawyer representing Yusuf Güneş, who was alleged to have had business dealings with the Falyalı family, as was Ömer Tunç, announced that his client was released on Tuesday afternoon after he was cleared of having any links to the shooting. Another reason for his arrest was because he arrived in North Cyprus on the same flight as Ömer Tunç.
Tunç was arrested because he was discovered in a rented vehicle close to where the shootings occurred in Çatalköy.